Self-Esteem Core Belief Worksheet 

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What is the theory behind the Self-esteem core belief worksheet?

Our self-esteem is in one way or another dependent on our past experiences, and feedback from our environment. It plays an important role in determining our self-worth and how much we value ourselves as a person. These experiences mold our beliefs, and opinions about ourselves whether they are true or not. 

How will this worksheet help you? 

This worksheet will help you identify your core beliefs that affect your self-esteem negatively. By identifying those core beliefs you can challenge them by evidence testing and establish a healthier and rational core belief about yourself. It will help you in improving your self-esteem by changing your negative core beliefs. 

How to use this worksheet? 

You can use this worksheet by first clearly reading it. You need to identify your core beliefs with your therapist first. Then you can start with any of your core beliefs and complete every item one by one. It will help you become more rational and realistic about yourself and assist you in generating an alternative core belief. 

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