Self-Reflection Worksheet for Adults

What is the theory behind this Self-Reflection Worksheet for Adults?

Self-reflection is a method for individuals, particularly adults, to gain a deeper understanding of their thoughts and behaviors. The theory behind this worksheet is Cognitive Behavioral Theory, a well-known psychotherapy that assists in comprehending and changing unhelpful or unhealthy patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving.

How will the worksheet help?

The Self-Reflection Worksheet will assist clients in managing their emotions by recalling previous scenarios. It enables individuals to explore their thoughts by reflecting on the past and realizing more about themselves. This process can contribute to understanding how behavior can be altered for the better.

How to use the worksheet?

This worksheet can be directly used by adults to recall previous events, develop insights about their behavior, and identify ways to improve in the future. It can also be utilized by counselors to better understand their clients and assist them in changing behaviors.

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