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Home » Phobias Therapy Worksheets for Children
What is the theory behind this Psychiatric Medication Worksheet? Many mental illnesses have a biological basis that can be treated fully or partially with psychiatric medications. A recurring issue with […]
What is the theory behind the I’m Scared Worksheet? Oftentimes young kids find it difficult to put their anxious and fearful thoughts into words. Sometimes they may simply look scared […]
What is the theory behind this CBT What If worksheet? ‘What If…?’ Questions in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy are also referred to as cognitive distortions or thinking errors. Individuals seeking therapy […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Reframing Worksheet? Cognitive Behavioural therapy seeks to help clients with mental issues by helping them identify their faulty thinking patterns, negative core beliefs […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Phobias Worksheet? Phobias are irrational fears of specific objects, situations or activity with varying intensities. This fear is intense enough for the person […]
What is the theory behind this CBT hot thoughts worksheet? In cognitive behavioral therapy CBT, hot thoughts are negatively formed beliefs that individuals have when they are experiencing negative feelings […]
What is the theory behind this CBT evidence for and against worksheet? One of the main goals of Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is cognitive restructuring. Psychological problems persist due to […]
What is the theory behind the Avoidance Hierarchy Worksheet? Avoidance hierarchy or fear hierarchy is the CBT technique that helps us make a list of fearful situations starting from least […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Worksheet for Agoraphobia? Agoraphobia can be explained as fear of a situation where a person feels difficult to escape. A person with agoraphobia […]
What is the theory behind this anxiety worksheet for kids? Anxiety can cause a variety of emotions such as nervousness, anger, fear, and hopelessness. It can cause negative thoughts and […]
What is the theory behind this anxiety vs truth worksheet? Unquestioned, false thinking can be used to characterise anxiety. We might, however, be held captive by lies about ourselves and […]
What is the theory behind this Phobias worksheet Inside Out? Phobias are intense and irrational fears of certain objects or situations that cause significant distress and impairment in day to […]
What is the theory behind this Medication compliance in mental health worksheet? Medication compliance means taking your prescribed medications as directed and refilling them when needed. This is important because […]