EFT Worksheet for Couples 

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What is the theory behind the Eft worksheet for couples? 

Emotional-focused therapy is based on humanistic principles that promote more secure and healthy attachment bonds. It helps the partners shape their emotional responsiveness, accessibility, and engagement. In emotionally focused therapy, couples are encouraged to first explore their attachment styles, their vulnerabilities, and emotional needs and then communicate them to each other in the session. It will develop a new way of communicating, caring, and fostering each other’s needs. By improving their attachment bond, partners can move towards healthy and improved interpersonal relationships. 

How can this worksheet help you?

This worksheet can help an individual or couple easily identify their negative interactions and triggers and how these interactions are causing problems in their relationship. By identifying the negative factors that lead to a conflicting situation, couples can work on reducing and minimizing them and promote healthy interactions. Couples can also explore their vulnerabilities, fears, and concerns related to each other and reframe their perspective positively to create a healthy and secure bond. Partners can identify each other’s emotions so that they learn about each other’s needs.

How to use this worksheet?

This worksheet can be downloaded first. The aim of this worksheet is to develop an understanding of each other’s emotions, concerns, and problems so both partners have to fill this worksheet separately. It will help them express their emotions in a healthy and effective way. After completing this worksheet, both partners can discuss it with each other or with their therapist during the session if they are taking couple therapy.

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