EMDR Worksheet

What is the theory behind this EMDR Worksheet?

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a psychotherapeutic technique. It is used to process traumatic memories. EMDR focuses on healing from traumatic and distressing life experiences. Initial steps include interviewing and history-taking techniques to help the client deal with trauma. 

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet will help clinicians take a brief history of individual trauma. It will provide them with a brief history of their previous life experience and will make more sense of situations or circumstances. It will help them analyze the triggers and individuals’ responses to them.

How to use the worksheet?

The worksheet requires individuals to answer the questions mentioned on the worksheet thoroughly by connecting them to their past life experiences. Worksheets require individuals to explain in detail the history of traumatic or related situations.  Individuals are also required to assess their patterns and identify their triggers. 

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