Feelings Thermometer Worksheet
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A feeling thermometer, or a thermometer scale, is a procedure used to measure how children and adults are doing emotionally and what steps can be taken to shift moods during tough times.
What Are The Theories Behind This Worksheet?
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT is a type of psychotherapy used to help individuals identify negative thought patterns, learn how to regulate responses to anxiety-producing situations, and develop healthy coping strategies.
How Will This Worksheet Help You?
This worksheet will help children and adults express, understand, and regulate emotions. Additionally, you will be able to develop good communication and interpersonal relationships.
How Should You Use This Worksheet?
This worksheet should be used to identify overwhelming feelings and reduce anxiety.
Was this helpful?
Bright Horizons. (© 2023). Feelings Thermometer. Available at: https://worldathome.brighthorizons.com/activities/feelings-thermometer. [Accessed March 14, 2023]
Springer Nature, (© 2023). Thermometer Scale (Feelings Thermometer). Available at: https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_102. [Accessed March 14, 2023]