Good Stress vs Bad Stress Worksheet

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Stress is a common experience in everyone’s life, but not all stress is harmful. There are two types of stress: good stress, known as eustress, which can motivate and enhance our performance, and bad stress, known as distress, which can be overwhelming and detrimental to our health. Understanding the difference between these two can help us manage stress more effectively. 

What Are The Theories Behind This Worksheet?

The Yerkes-Dodson Law is one such theory, suggesting there is an optimal level of stress that enhances our performance. However, beyond this point, stress becomes detrimental to our functioning. Another important concept is the transactional model of stress, which emphasises the role of perception in stress response. How we perceive a stressor can determine its impact on us, highlighting the importance of cognitive appraisal in managing stress.

How Will This Worksheet Help You?

  1. This worksheet is designed to help you differentiate between positive and negative stress in your life. 
  2. By recognising both signs, you can harness the benefits of good stress to improve motivation and performance while developing strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of bad stress. 
  3. This balanced approach to stress management can enhance your overall well-being and productivity.

How Should You Use This Worksheet?

  1. To get the most out of this worksheet, approach it with an open and reflective mindset. 
  2. Identify recent situations where you felt stressed and categorise them as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ stress based on your reactions and outcomes. 
  3. Reflect on what made the stress beneficial or harmful and consider strategies to increase good stress and reduce bad stress. 

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