Hope therapy worksheet

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What is the theory behind this Hope therapy worksheet?

Hope therapy, according to American psychologists, Charles Snyder, plays a fundamental role in driving motivation, goal setting and consistency. The concept of hope in past philosophical literature implies that hope is based on ignorance and false assumptions about achieving a goal in the future while the present shows a different picture. Snyder argues that if the basis of those assumptions are supported by plausible pathways to reach those goals as well as agency to follow those pathways, then this hope improves one’s mental health. 

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet is helpful with the older adults. After reaching a certain age, the individuals find themselves unable to achieve their previously set goals due to declining physical cognitive abilities. This causes them emotional distress. The role of this worksheet is to redefine goal setting for them. Clients will be able to make compensatory goals that will help them in being hopeful about their lives.    

How to use this worksheet?

In the designated spaces below, form a goal that is important to the client and also possible for them to work on. For example, an older adult who forgets to take all his vital medications makes a goal to get his vital values to a particular range, so they may be able to function physically better. In the pathway section, the client is required to make a possible plan to remember to take medications. Write the challenges they are likely to face in achieving this goal. Then state the strategies to overcome those challenges in the solution box. 

The facilitator can help the client into forming these compensatory goals according to their circumstances. 

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