Physical Health Worksheet

What is the theory behind this Physical Health Worksheet?

Physical health is a state of well-being of all internal and external body parts. The theory behind this worksheet aligns with health behavior change models and theories. “The Health Belief Model”– says that people are most likely to take preventative action if they perceive the threat of a health risk to be serious if they find any health concern and alter their unhealthy behaviors.

How will this worksheet help you?

The worksheet aims to 

  • Assess a range of factors related to physical health
  • Provide a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s current habits, challenges, and aspirations.
  • And set appropriate goals 

How to use this worksheet?

In order to make proper use of this worksheet, individuals should have a mindful awareness of their current health habits, and should be able to set clear goals in order to adopt new healthier habits.

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