Schema Modes Worksheet

What is the theory behind this Schema Modes Worksheet?

Schema therapy is one of the psychotherapies that help patients with their maladaptive thinking patterns and problems caused by these patterns. It is best for patients with whom CBT does not work because of their rigid and persistent thinking styles. The main motive of schema therapy is to identify and modify the maladaptive schema that formed during the early years of life. By addressing these schemas and shaping patients’ thinking styles, this therapy can improve overall functioning and provide healing and growth.  

How can this worksheet help you?

This worksheet can help you identify the triggers that activate your schemas. You will gain insight into how your schemas affect your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. With this psychological awareness about your schemas and the way they affect your life, you can have control over your thinking and behaviors. With the help of the second section, you can identify which of your schema mode activates in triggering situations and how you should deal with it. Building insight into your problem and deciding to work on it can lead to the transformation of maladaptive schemas. 

How to use this worksheet?

This worksheet can be very helpful when you recently experienced a triggering event and you really want to identify the triggers, affect, and consequences of it. Take a printout of this worksheet can complete it when you are free. Answer every item with the focus and get help from any other source to understand your activated schema (if not known). Read in the end to understand the mechanism of how your schemas affect your thought, emotions, and behaviors. 

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