Self-esteem Sentence Completion Worksheet

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What is the theory behind this Self-esteem Sentence Completion Worksheet?

Self-esteem is the value one places on their own worth and capabilities. Having a poor self-esteem is shown to be linked with behavioural problems, depression, anxiety, and academic issues in children. It is crucial for parents and teachers to be aware of when a child might need a boost to their self-esteem so that the resulting problems can be taken care of. Self-esteem building skills can help children become more confident and better able to cope with daily stressors.

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet provides some prompts that children can use to complete sentences regarding their positive traits and abilities. The purpose of the prompts is to see whether the child is able to acknowledge and identify their positive attributes or not. A difficulty in doing so can indicate poor self-esteem that needs to be worked on. 

How to use the worksheet?

This worksheet can be used for ages 9+. Instruct the child to complete the sentences based on the given prompts. Tell them to write whatever comes to their mind without feeling any pressure. Remind them it is not a test but just an activity. Depending on the need, they can be guided accordingly. 

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