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What is the theory behind this CBT smart goals worksheet? The theory behind the CBT SMART goals worksheet is that setting goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound […]
What is the theory behind this CBT SP Worksheet? Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – Suicide Prevention is a program meant to assess and reduce suicide risks, build effective coping strategies, and […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Strengths Worksheet? Strength based Cognitive Behavioral therapy believes that all individuals possess inherent strengths that need to be brought to their awareness so […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Therapy Worksheet Anxiety? Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has proven to be very effective for treating anxiety related mental health issues. It helps people gradually […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Therapy Worksheet Depression? Depression is a condition where an individual persistently stays in a state of sadness, despair and low mood. It is […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Thinking Errors Worksheet? Thinking Errors, also called Cognitive Distortions, are irrational and faulty thinking patterns that one becomes habitual of following without even […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Thought Feelings Action Worksheet? School going kids can benefit greatly from activities that are based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. School counsellors can use […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Reframing Worksheet? Cognitive Behavioural therapy seeks to help clients with mental issues by helping them identify their faulty thinking patterns, negative core beliefs […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Rumination Worksheet? Rumination is when one persistently recalls their painful past and its associated memories, thoughts and feelings. This leads to unhelpful thoughts […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Safety Behaviours Worksheet? Safety behaviours are behaviours meant to keep one safe from fear or reduce their level of distress in anxious situations. […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Positive Self-talk Worksheet? Self-talk is the inner dialogue we have with ourselves. This can be both negative or positive depending on how we […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Problem List Worksheet? A problem list contains all the presenting problems of the client that they are seeking therapy for or they want […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Problem Solving Worksheet? Problem Solving is a key skill that can help clients cope with difficult situations in their life. It can help […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Procrastination Worksheet? Procrastination is the habit of intentionally delaying a task that can very well be completed at the time despite knowing the […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Phobias Worksheet? Phobias are irrational fears of specific objects, situations or activity with varying intensities. This fear is intense enough for the person […]