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What is the theory behind this Therapy Worksheet for Panic Attacks? A panic attack is a severe and sudden anxiety attack which is felt not just mentally but physically as […]
What is the theory behind this Therapy Journal Worksheet? Journaling helps individuals express and make sense of their thoughts and feelings.regarding various experiences of their lives. Writing down thoughts and […]
What is the theory behind this Therapy Homework Worksheet? Homework assignments are an integral part of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that are used to reinforce and extend the strategies learned in […]
What is the theory behind this Therapy Worksheet About Control? Whenever we face hard times or difficult situations there are always factors related to it that are within our control […]
What is the theory behind this Attention training social anxiety worksheet? People with social anxiety disorder have a tendency to focus their attention on their internal experience during a social […]
What is the theory behind this Behavioural Experiment OCD Worksheet? Behavioural Experiment is a technique used in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to test one’s new or old beliefs and assumptions about […]
What is the theory behind this Behavioural Experiment Worksheet Health Anxiety? Behavioural Experiment is a technique used in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to test one’s new or old beliefs and assumptions […]
What is the theory behind this anxiety symptoms worksheet? Anxiety disorders are chronic worries that interfere with academic, social, or other important domains of functioning, like daily activities. It ranges […]
What is the theory behind this anxiety self talk worksheet? Your inner dialogue, or how you speak to yourself, is called self-talk. It is based on the thoughts, beliefs, and […]
What is the theory behind this anxiety triggers worksheet? The word “Trigger” refers to a stimulus that causes a reaction. Understanding your anxiety triggers is a crucial first step in […]
What is the theory behind this anxiety what if worksheet? Cognitive distortions are internal mental biases or filters that exacerbate our worry and increase anxiety. One of the cognitive distortions […]
What is the theory behind this anxiety Thoughts worksheet? Humans commonly experience anxiety in response to imagined danger. When it appears without any challenge or stress, when it lasts longer […]
What is the theory behind this anxiety Therapy worksheet? Anxiety is defined as strong sensations of fear, tension, or worry that are excessive for the circumstances, persist for an excessive […]
What is the theory behind this Bedtime Thought Log Worksheet? It is common for most of us to notice racing anxious thoughts and worries as we prepare to go to […]
What is the theory behind this anxiety vs truth worksheet? Unquestioned, false thinking can be used to characterise anxiety. We might, however, be held captive by lies about ourselves and […]