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What is the theory behind this “CBT ALTERNATIVE THOUGHTS WORKSHEET”? Cognitive Behavioral therapy (CBT) has proven to be very useful when it comes to supporting someone in shifting their negative […]
What is the theory behind this “CBT AUTOMATIC THOUGHTS WORKSHEET ”? Automatic thoughts are exactly what they sound like: Thoughts that a person has unconsciously and automatically in reaction to […]
What is the theory behind this “CBT AVOIDANCE WORKSHEET”? Cognitive Behavioral therapy (CBT) has proven to be very useful when it comes to changing avoidance behaviors. If the task or […]
What is the theory behind this “A-B-C WORKSHEET FOR PTSD”? The ABC model is inspired from CBT, which is based on the premise that since our thoughts, beliefs, and actions […]
What is the theory behind this worksheet? This worksheet is based on a CBT approach, meant to help clients understand how certain thinking and behavior patterns can increase stress levels […]
Generally speaking, we live our lives automatically, without thinking too much about our own thinking course, how we react to our feelings and what makes us behave in the way […]
What is the theory behind this worksheet? The following worksheet is based on a Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MCBT) approach. This approach combines methods from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and meditative techniques […]
What is the theory behind the worksheet? The following worksheet is based on the REBT approach created by Albert Ellis. This approach has the goal of encouraging people to identify […]
What is the theory behind the worksheet? The following worksheet is based on a CBT approach. This solution-oriented approach argues in order to deal with a wide range of psychological […]