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Home » Group Therapy Worksheets for Adolescents
What is the theory behind the Worksheet for Youth Group? Counselling sessions conducted in groups can have many benefits specially for youngsters struggling to open up individual sessions. Sitting with […]
What is the theory behind the Your Safe Space Worksheet? A ‘safe space’ is one’s imagination of a place that makes them feel safe and secure. Including ‘safe space’ imagery […]
What is the theory behind this What is helpful about my anger Worksheet? Anger is a strong emotion that is accompanied by a host of psychological and physical changes. There […]
What is the theory behind this Trauma Group Therapy Worksheet? Trauma is a negative emotional response to experiencing events that threaten to harm one’s mental, psychological and emotional well-being. One […]
What is the theory behind this Therapy Worksheet for Young Adults? Confidence plays a huge role in how one interacts with others and deals with day to day problems. Confidence […]
What is the theory behind this Think Feel Act Worksheet? The think-feel-act concept is a kid-friendly version of the basic principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which work on making individuals […]
What is the theory behind this Stomp out the ANTs Worksheet? Automatic Negative Thoughts or ANTs are recurrent errors in our thinking that make us view situations in a negative […]
What is the theory behind this Self-reflection Worksheet? Self-reflection is a way to gain a better understanding of one’s own internal processes that are determining one’s thoughts, emotions and actions. […]
What is the theory behind the Self Esteem Therapy Worksheet for Adults? Self esteem is one’s own judgement about their worth and value. One’s own sense of their worth significantly […]
What is the theory behind this Peer on Peer Abuse Worksheet? Peer on Peer Abuse refers to intentional physical or psychological harm inflicted upon young children by other children of […]
What is the theory behind this Money and Happiness Worksheet? Whether money can buy happiness or not has long been a debated question. The response to this varies from individual […]
What is the theory behind this Levels of Anger Worksheet? It is important to teach young kids about the varying levels of anger as part of anger management skills training. […]
What is the theory behind this Getting to Know You Worksheet for Adults? In a group counselling session, activities that break the ice and introduce the group members are essential […]
What is the theory behind this Forgiveness Group Therapy Worksheet? The act of forgiveness, albeit hard, is very beneficial for one’s mental well-being. Individuals who have been wronged by others […]
What is the theory behind this Courage in Recovery Worksheet? Courage is an important resource at any point in recovery. An individual needs courage to accept their condition and go […]