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What is the theory behind this Putting Thoughts on Trial Worksheet? The concept of cognitive restructuring in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is likened to ‘putting one’s thoughts on a trial’. It […]
What is the theory behind this recovery therapy worksheet? One of the core elements of recovering from addiction (alcohol or drugs) is consolidating what has been learned in therapy. A […]
What is the theory behind this Pleasant Activity Scheduling Worksheet? Individuals nowadays get more involved in daily life and focus more on career building. In this busy routine stress, burnout, […]
What is the theory behind this Positive self-talk worksheet: reshaping cognitions to develop positive self-talk? Nowadays self-esteem is considered to be one of the most important components of personality. A […]
What is the theory behind this Positive Self-talk Worksheet: Identifying my thinking? Self-talk can be negative or positive. It has been proven that people with psychological disorders have negative self-talk. […]
What is the theory behind this Printable CBT for OCD Intrusive Thoughts Worksheet? Obsessive-compulsive disorder can be split into two components obsession and compulsions. The first part contains recurrent distressing […]
What is the theory behind the Processing Trauma Worksheet? Writing down about your traumatic event is difficult at first but when you start talking, sharing, or journaling about it you […]
What is the theory behind this My Anxiety Plan Worksheet? Anxiety, although a natural and healthy emotional response that helps us prepare for uncertainty, can get debilitating if it gets […]
What is the theory behind this worksheet? The OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) diary worksheet is a tool that can be used as a part of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) for OCD. The […]
What is the theory behind this OCPD Worksheet? Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder is characterised by an intense and continual need to meet certain standards of perfection in one’s life. OCPD […]
What is the theory behind this List of Core Beliefs CBT Worksheet? Core beliefs are our most basic beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world around us. The nature of […]
What is the theory behind the How I Feel CBT Worksheet? Cognitive Behavioural Therapy focuses on helping people become aware of their thoughts, feelings and actions so that they can […]
What is the theory behind the Impulse Control Therapy Worksheet? Impulse control disorder is characterized by an inability to avoid urges that are meant to harm oneself or others. It […]
What is the theory behind this Dealing With Remorse Worksheet? Remorse refers to intense feelings of guilt related to actions related to perceived or actual mistakes. Like any other feeling, […]
What is the theory behind this Death Anxiety Worksheet? Most people are having a fear related to death. Basically, this fear exists in every individual but some individuals experience some […]