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Communication is the transmission of information which may be verbal (oral or written) or nonverbal (conveying information without the use of spoken language). Humans communicate to relate or exchange ideas, […]
What is the theory behind this Active listening worksheet (PDF)? Active Listening is a skill that enables the listener to pay full attention to and understand both non-verbal and verbal […]
What is the theory behind this Marital Negotiation worksheet? Effective communication is the foundation of all interpersonal relationships. A skill that is highly needed especially while resolving conflicts or negotiating […]
What is the theory behind this Looking after your mental health worksheet? Basic survival requires the ability to communicate. It makes it possible for people to identify their needs and […]
v What is the theory behind this Looking after your mental health worksheet? For the majority of adults, intimate connections are very important and have a significant impact on their […]
What is the theory behind this Setting boundaries therapy worksheet? The Boundary Setting Worksheet is based on Assertive Training, which is a component of Behavioral Therapy. Boundary setting enables individuals […]
What is the theory behind this Intimacy Therapy worksheet? Emotional intimacy is one of the many types of intimacy that builds the very foundation of our relationship with other people. […]
What is the theory behind this Co parenting therapy worksheet? Co parenting is a collaborative effort of separated, divorced or unmarried parents to put aside their differences and raise their […]
Video & audio overview of the worksheet Communication skills are the abilities one uses when giving and receiving different kinds of information. Communication skills allow you to understand and be […]
What is the theory behind this Imago therapy worksheet? Imago therapy was developed by a psychologist, Harville Hendrix in the late 1970s. According to Imago therapy, two people form the […]
What is the theory behind this Mental health empowerment worksheet? The stigma around mental illness makes it difficult for the individuals going through mental health problems. People refuse to take […]
What is the theory behind this My partner’s qualities worksheet? Relationships are based on the appreciation of each other. Partners tend to forget each other’s qualities in the course of […]
What is the theory behind this ‘I’ statements worksheet? An ‘I’ statement is a communication strategy that is meant to minimize interpersonal conflict by expressing the speaker’s feelings and thoughts […]
What is the theory behind this Non verbal communication worksheet? Non verbal gestures play a significant role in communication. They convey the real message more effectively as compared to verbal […]
What is the theory behind this Characteristics of a healthy relationship worksheet? Research on interpersonal relationships has established strong links between a healthy relationship and its positive effects on one’s […]