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What is the theory behind this CBT Procrastination Worksheet? Procrastination is the habit of intentionally delaying a task that can very well be completed at the time despite knowing the […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Phobias Worksheet? Phobias are irrational fears of specific objects, situations or activity with varying intensities. This fear is intense enough for the person […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Mood Log Worksheet? A Mood Log is a tool used in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help clients keep track of their emotions on […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Motivation Worksheet? An Advantage/Disadvantage analysis is a tool used in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to help clients make well-informed decisions. One way it can […]
What is the theory behind this CBT OCD Worksheet? Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is characterised by persistent intrusive thoughts that are followed by some sort of ritualistic or compulsive behaviour […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Panic Disorder Worksheet? Panic disorder is characterised by frequent instances of extreme panic, anxiety or fear without any apparent reason or cause. A […]
What is the theory behind this CBT GAD Worksheet? Generalized anxiety disorder is one of the anxiety disorders which is followed by anxious anticipation of events, negative cognitions, and excessive […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Graded Exposure Worksheet? Graded exposure is a technique that helps individuals gradually face the objects or situations that they fear as a way […]
What is the theory behind this CBT gratitude worksheet? Cognitive behavioral therapy CBT encourages individuals to intentionally show gratitude regarding the favorable life circumstances that they seem to ignore in […]
What is the theory behind this CBT hot thoughts worksheet? In cognitive behavioral therapy CBT, hot thoughts are negatively formed beliefs that individuals have when they are experiencing negative feelings […]
What is the theory behind this CBT house worksheet? Cognitive-behavioral therapy aims to change our thought patterns, our conscious and unconscious beliefs, our attitudes, and, ultimately, our behavior, in order […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Irrational Thoughts Worksheet? Irrational thought usually exists with the client has a mental illness. It has been observed that people who have a […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Laddering Worksheet? Laddering is a technique used in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to identify one’s core beliefs by questioning one’s thoughts. These are deeply-rooted, […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Longitudinal Formulation Worksheet? Formulation is a crucial part of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which helps both the therapist and the client to gain a […]
What is the theory behind this CBT Mental Health Worksheet? Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on helping people identify, challenge and modify their unhelpful thinking […]